Monday, August 25, 2008

The Cinetrain crew

Dear Cinetrain addicts,

You can find below the names of the whole Cinetrain crew, all the people who will be mentioned in this blog.

22 people gathered in the same train coming from 14 different countries!

The filming crews are divided into 6 groups of 3 people each (director, cameraman, editor/sound engineer). Each group is going to make a short documentary dealing with the theme of the workshop, and the topics they decided to tackle can be labelled as following: "food", "children", "travel", "dreams", "music"... and "Lenin"!!

Here they are, the future (& the present!) of Euro-Russian documentary filmmaking:

The FOOD group
Andrei Tanase, Romania
Florian Crebbs, Germany
George Groshkov, Bulgaria

The CHILDREN group
Denes Nagy, Hungary
Leo Bruges, United Kingdom
Anna Dimitrieva, Bulgaria

The TRAVEL group
Monica Baptista, Portugal
Filip Syczynski, Poland
Evgeniy Goriainov, Russia

The DREAMS group
Iris Olsson, Finland
Natasha Pavlovskaia, Russia
Dimitris Tolios, Greece

The MUSIC group
Jochem de Vries, Netherlands
Marton Vizkelety, Hungary
Guillaume Protsenko, France

The LENIN group
Nikita Sutyrin, Russia
Monika Kotecka, Poland
Julien Pierrefeu, France

Matthieu Darras, France
Aleksandra Marchenko, Ukraine
Hannah Mironenko, Belarus
Tanya Petrik, Russia

1 comment:

fedora said...

This is an awesome idea to repeat the cinetrain itinerary! Will there be a showing of the films made on this trip?